Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Visit From Nana!

Well, here we go again! I have deserted the last blog I attempted to create. Mostly because I wasn't that great at keeping up with it! :) I was also having some trouble trying to undo the mess I created, so here is the new Fuller Family blog. I had a Babysites page for Caedmon a while back, so now our friends and family can watch him grow on here. :)
My mom came to visit last week, and her time here just seemed to fly by way too fast! I'm so glad she made it home safely through all of that bad weather! Here are some pictures from her visit. God bless!

1 comment:

  1. I love the new blog design! I can't believe how much Caedmon has grown!! WOW! I enjoy seeing pictures and hearing how you guys are doing. Love you, girl!
