Monday, August 24, 2009

Not ME!

I've never done a Not Me Monday, so here we go! :)

On our way to Vicksburg, it was not me who allowed our child to eat cookies for supper! It was almost 7:00, and we were trying our best to get there as fast as we could. And of course, when we did eat supper at 9:00 that night, our little munchkin wasn't at all interested and was ready for bed!

The next day, I also did NOT neglect to change my child's diaper and allow him to soak through his clothes not once...but twice that day! It was hot and he was chugging lots of milk and juice!

And alas, I absolutely did NOT strip my child naked and change his clothes on the steps of the historic museum we were visiting. This was all because the bathroom didn't have a changing table, and I was NOT changing him on the floor! However, I did pick the side entrance that no one was using, so nobody got a peep show. :)

And lastly, it was NOT ME who was standing at little man's new classroom at church beaming with pride, because he was one of the few children there who walked in without crying!

For more Not Me/Not My Child Mondays visit here
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.


  1. I love it! I'm glad I'm not the only one who does not-so-perfect things each week ;-)

  2. So cute! Yep, we're pretty perfect parents who don't ever do anything so crazy! :)
